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Statement of the Press Section of the Embassy regarding the hate speech made by the envoy of the Israeli apartheid regime in Zagreb
Following the orchestrated attempts by envoys of the Israeli apartheid regime over the past few hours to blame Iran for their own atrocities, its residing envoy here in Zagreb has also tried desperately to accomplish ‘Mission Impossible’: to conceal Israel's brutal crimes against humanity.   Anybody who is even slightly familiar with the situation in the Middle East knows that this apartheid regime is the root cause of all problems in the region. From the outset, this manufactured rogue entity has imposed many bloody wars against regional states and more importantly against the defenseless people of Palestine.   Israel, as the occupier, is not the victim but the criminal oppressor.    This regime is responsible for having taken hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian   lives, including 33,000 children. The systemic and state terrorism of the Israeli regime is beyond words.   For those who are committed to verifiable data and facts, and are willing to understand the true context of the current developments in Gaza, the following saying from the Holy Jewish Hosea (8:7) says it all: "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind". Israel, by continuously denying Palestinians the right of self-determination making Gaza the world’s largest open-air prison and depriving its people from all their basic needs is solely responsible of the ongoing catastrophe. This shameless regime, in defiance of basic international norms and laws, and in violation of United Nations resolutions, has committed heinous international crimes, including massacres of civilians and genocide. The only reality that different generations of Palestinians have grown up with is the regime's violations, occupation, and aggression. This is the true context of what is unfolding.   While condemning the new round of blind and brutal attacks against civilians by the Israeli regime and warning against any dangerous adventurism by the regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran invites the international community to act responsibly and hold Israel accountable for its evil barbarism. Iran remains steadfast in its belief that the question of Palestine can only be addressed by ending the illegal occupation and recognition of the right of Palestinians for self-determination through a national referendum with the participation of all Palestinians.  Zagreb-October 10, 2023   Izjava Press odjela Veleposlanstva Islamske Republike Iran vezano za neutemeljene tvrdnje i govor mržnje izaslanika izraelskog aparthejd-režima u Zagrebu     Nakon orkestriranih pokušaja izaslanika izraelskog aparthejd- režima u proteklih nekoliko sati da okrive Iran za vlastite zločine, njegov rezidencijalni izaslanik ovdje u Zagrebu također je očajnički pokušao ostvariti ‘Nemoguću misiju’: prikriti brutalne zločine Izraela protiv čovječnosti. To zna svatko tko je iole upoznat sa situacijom na Bliskom istoku zna da je režim aparthejda glavni uzrok svih problema u regiji. Od samog početka, ovaj proizvedeni odmetnički entitet je nametnuo mnoge krvave ratove protiv regionalnih država i što je još važnije protiv bespomoćnog naroda Palestine. Izrael, kao okupator, nije žrtva nego zločinac-tlačitelj. Ovaj režim je odgovoran za oduzimanje stotina tisuća nevinih Palestinskih života, uključujući i živote 33.000 djece. Sustavni i državni terorizam izraelskog režima neopisiv je. Za one koji su predani provjerljivim podacima i činjenicama i voljni su razumjeti pravi kontekst trenutnih zbivanja u Gazi, sljedeća izreka svetog židovskog Hošee (8:7) govori sve: "Jer oni siju vjetar, a žeti će oluju". Izrael, kontinuiranim uskraćivanjem Palestincima prava na samoodređenje - čineći Gazu najvećim svjetskim zatvorom na otvorenom i lišavajući te ljude svih njihovih osnovnih potreba - jedini je odgovoran za tekuću katastrofu. Ovaj besramni režim, prkoseći temeljnim međunarodnim normama i zakonima, te kršeći rezolucije Ujedinjenih naroda, počinio je gnusne međunarodne zločine, uključujući masakre nad civilima i genocid. Jedina stvarnost s kojom su odrasle brojne generacije Palestinaca su nasilje režima, okupacija i agresija. Ovo je pravi kontekst onoga što se odvija.   Osuđujući novu rundu slijepih i brutalnih napada protiv civila od strane izraelskog režima i upozoravajući na bilo kakav opasni avanturizam režima, Islamska Republika Iran poziva međunarodnu zajednicu da djeluje odgovorno i pozove Izrael na odgovornost za svoje zlo barbarstvo. Iran ostaje dosljedan u svom uvjerenju da se pitanje Palestine može riješiti samo okončanjem nezakonite okupacije i priznavanjem prava Palestinaca na samoodređenje putem nacionalnog referenduma uz sudjelovanje svih Palestinaca.  Zagreb - 10. listopada, 2023.
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